Thursday, December 2, 2010

Trivializing and Ridiculing Away New Medicine. The Mighty Olive.

People reduce themselves to the level of young children because they are at a loss for anything more clever and resort to name calling. Unfortunately, this is effective at times and the damage is done, reversing the progress of earnest and rigorous scientific research that takes years and enormous resources. Our entire physical world is molecular, whether it is in pill capsule form or not. The media has hypnotized the public into the omnipotence of modern medicine with slick and austere appearances, but pharmaceutical medicine is ripe with failure upon failure despite outward appearances. The derision with which some treat the natural pharmacy of the planet only shows that they lack the comprehension and understanding to be able to make good medicine nor do they hold the real intention of medicine at heart.

Olive Oil Contains Anti-Microbial Compounds

The Nasty Things That Mycoplasmas Do To Humans

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Antioxidant Vitamins and Your Own Rejuvenating White Blood Cells:

There are cells that sit in your bone marrow and other places that when activated and enter your bloodstream are called "Circulating Stem Cells." All of us have a set of progenitor cells that can become various new tissue called mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells, and stem cells that become tissues everywhere. A general term for these stem cells inside everyone already born is "adult stem cell."

Vitamin C and E supplementation with athletic training literally gets your blood flowing, and more of your own adult stem cells enter circulation to home into injury sites and repair them.

"1. Free Radic Res. 2008 Aug;42(8):754-62.

Antioxidants increase number of progenitor endothelial cells through multiple
gene expression pathways.

Fiorito C, Rienzo M, Crimi E, Rossiello R, Balestrieri ML, Casamassimi A, Muto F,
Grimaldi V, Giovane A, Farzati B, Mancini FP, Napoli C.

Department of General Pathology, Division of Clinical Pathology,Excellence
Research Center of Cardiovascular Diseases, II University of Naples, Naples,

To date, there is no report on the effect of antioxidants on endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). This study shows that in vitro incubation of EPCs with vitamin C and E reverted the already well documented lowering effect of TNF-alpha on EPC number and increased p-p38 expression levels. In order to document major changes of gene expression levels and gain insight into signalling pathways, microarray analysis was performed and a significant variation of the expression of 5389 genes in EPCs following antioxidant treatment was detected. Also in vivo evidence is provided about the positive effect of antioxidant vitamins on EPCs, since vitamin C and E supplementation potentiated the physical training-induced increase of EPC number and VEGF levels. Together, these data indicate that antioxidant treatment ameliorates EPC number and causes major changes of gene expression within these cells in vitro. Furthermore, concomitant antioxidant supplementation and physical training in vivo raised the levels of circulating EPCs and serum VEGF more than physical training alone.

PMID: 18712633 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]"

There are other natural ways to get your repair white blood cells into circulation from your bone marrow too. The trick is to get only as much as you need, when you need them, without collateral inflammatory damage. You need cytokines for these to exit their homes and march to their destination, but cytokines can also elicit collateral damage from an indiscriminate inflammatory response.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Nazi EU Commission is coming to Nazify the USA Soon.

Perhaps you never used an herbal anything in your life, and are totally unaware that food represents a threat to the Global Pharmaceutical Business coalition. Their vicious attack at codifying and profiteering what was once food as a prescription only drug has had effect where there has been ignorance and apathy. The consequence of apathy and forced ignorance is the confiscation of what freedoms people had before. Then what was once a seemingly silly argument over herbal or alternative medicine becomes the nexus of a battle between Freedom and Fascism. It is insidious, because it seems not to affect your everyday dealings until overnight, what you had taken for granted is gone thanks to the Nazi Law Cabal. If Congress and Washington D.C. sell out and collapse and do not protect what are becoming distinctly American freedoms, our freedoms will disappear. The codifying of food as drug in order to have a hegemony over Medicine is merely a wedge to introduce a whole suitcase of tyrannical laws meant to turn the once free USA into a Fascist, Nazi-like Nation unrecognizable to the world as the beacon of freedom it once was.

Big Pharma Bans Swiss and German Herbal Medicine from Europe

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tumor Specific Functional Protein, tNOX is selectively targeted by Vanilloid-Catechin.

There is a protein that helps tumors grow and seems to only exist upon tumor cells. EGCG, a multifunctional molecule, targets this protein, but not in the quantities that are delivered orally. Oral bioavailability of EGCG is too low on its own to attack cancer cells vigorously, but combined with vanilloids such as capsaicin may require 10-100 times less. In other words, vanilloid capsaicins and EGCG make EGCG 10 to 100 times more potent. This has been known by an independent lab since 2006.

Catechin-vanilloid synergies with potential clinical applications in cancer.

tumor NOX has drug binding site, normal NOX doesn't

What is ECTO-NOX??

Old tNOX drugs, new directions.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Warm Fuzzy Feeling of Cholesterol Depletion:

Did you know that:

20-50% of all your cells plasma membranes are made of cholesterol?

Depleting this below normal has side effects?

There is a delivery and return mechanism for cholesterol to all cells?

There is a homeostatic mechanism that turns down or turns up cholesterol manufacture depending on the 300mg we get by diet?

I didn't either. I bought the whole idea that cholesterol jams up your system like a plumber's clog, and that somehow cholesterol was bad for me despite the fact that my brain and pancreatic cells very much depend on it and will completely shut down without it. I don't pay much attention to my cholesterol intake, but it is important to watch saturated fats (which is NOT cholesterol), trans fats intake, and make sure that water soluble and fat soluble antioxidants, omega-3s, electrolytes, and B-vitamins are topped up for arterial and lipid health. This is not a ticket to go hog-wild and eat a poor diet, since this never helped anyone ever, or ignore the antioxidant building block that is missing in the human physiology. To avoid high blood pressure, it is very important to keep hydrated and get vitamin D, as these two things have a direct influence on the renin-angiotensin system whose function is to squeeze down your blood vessels and increase blood pressure when your blood plasma volume goes down because of dehydration to compensate for volume loss.

The Statin Damage CrisisSearch for statin damageLipitor Thief of Memory

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taking Control of Your Own Cardiovascular Health is a Crime??

Nearly everyone would respond, "I don't think so," and would raise their eyebrows that there would even be someone in their right mind to attack your right as such. It's an insult to you at least, and treason against you at worst. Nothing but good things to be had from something relatively inexpensive, safe, and widely available that could make the biggest difference in someone's life. At the worst, it goes down the loo, at best it could save someone's life as it has many times over. I'd like to hear the reasoning behind slandering the knowledge and tools to empower people to free themselves.

Pauling Therapy Book Excerpt

Independent Group Cardiovascular Case Testimonials

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pesticide Facts:

If you read the Foreword, the degree of interwoven dependencies upon the petrochemical industry and its consequences for everyday people everywhere are clear. The alternatives should be carefully examined and weighed against each other, as should a push for new and safe methods of agriculture that will not endager both the planet and the people of it.

Organic Manifesto

Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe

Wikipedia Organophosphate Toxicity to Bees

Organophosphate Nerve Weapon, Sarin

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why do you trust Corporate Drugs?

1) You get ill.
2) You see a doctor and pay him or her to figure out your "disease." They may ask you to come in over and over after each of their tests fail while they literally sweat in front of you because they are feigning honesty.
3) They then give you some treatment you have to pay for.

This entire process costs you ridiculous money which you should not need to pay for in many cases. If someone has slammed into you and your bone is sticking out of your bleeding arm, or some other very catastrophic thing has left you mangled, you do need help right away. Emergency medics are necessary, and they need rigorous training in everything under the sun regarding the human physique. Indeed, if they can save a life or a mangled portion of the human physique, they add real value to society.

Someone who poisons someone for money is not adding anything to the intrinsic fiber of human society. We as flesh and bones, both resilient and fragile chariots for an inanimate and invisible Human Mind do not benefit from perpetuating a system based on death.

Alternatives may be payment only after results are gained. In any other product line, across the Western civilization, there is a "Satisfaction Guaranteed" legal clause by which consumers may return their product if it is defective. In American Medicine, a person pays exorbitant, Insurance Cabal inflated fees without guarantee. Even worse, these drugs don't really work unless you take an amount that causes some other disease. This is the rule of thumb rather than the exception with Petrochemical Corporation artificial drugs. These widgets for sale are the reason that people go to war over, because when one dollar becomes millions, people lose their reason and will do anything. This has never changed throughout history, and those incorruptible champions have always faced drastic opposition. This is a crime against humanity. It has happened many times before, and I have been ear to many of these instances of injustice. How would you like it if you came down with a severe disease and society only stole all your money from you through the medical system? Of course you wouldn't like it. No one likes that. There lies the problem.

A solution is to never get these diseases to the day you die, or to be able to manage these conditions positively on your own, cheaply. The results will probably be the same, given Nature's medicine chest, free of charge.

The USA has been seen as a herd of sheep, following what is comfortable but lethal to its own future. I hope that the American public, which consists of everyday people, will be brave and speak out in a collective voice in what "Democracy" is left. The question is simple:

Do you want to take charge of your health naturally and cheaply, or do you want to pay lots of money to be dependent on someone else for potentially dangerous drugs?

The answer is also simple, but the fact is that global petrochemical interests (corporate entities and legal individuals) are actively trying to steal this freedom away from you, until very literally, you have no real oranges, no real food, and can only do and say as they allow. As a business, their fascist state will penetrate and control every aspect of your life. It has happened before, and it will happen again, if you don't fight for your rights to freely available natural therapies.

A problem that persists is that people do not realize anything wrong when they are stuffing their faces, drinking to their content, and have every modern amenity. The fact is that the availability of each and every one of these simple yet extremely profound accoutrements of society are taken for granted until they suddenly disappear. Likewise, we take for granted that synthetic medicine will take care of us in our youth because we never get ill. When war occurs because the Petrochemical-Drug Corporations need more oil, then our regular lives suffer and suddenly we will realize how fragile and vulnerable we are. We won't be filled with the masochistic feelings of overconfidence when there isn't normal food to eat or enough clean water to drink. Suddenly, the macho war-mongers will shrink to size and regret their decisions. When you get ill, you will know that contemporary reactive, petrochemical medicine/radioactive medicine is limited. It may not cure you, and in fact it might make you worse, cause another disease, leave you permanently mangled, financially ruined, or a combination of these. It has happened many times before in a higher ratio than the media pumped "cures" which were easy cases. By this time, it would be too late to have realized that there was a safe, gentle, Nature given alternative that works equally as well and would have spared you all that trouble. The knowledge is out there! Get it and fight for it.
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About ItThe Corrosion of Medicine: Can the Profession Reclaim Its Moral Legacy?Sicko (Special Edition)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Michael Specter: A Sold Out Mouthpiece Who Is Neither Scientist nor Journalist

Any self-respecting person wouldn't pretend to know science while making a farce of the spirit of journalism by taking bribes to spew what they know deep down to be a total lie. What a disservice to the American public and those who follow American media to propagate such lies. This goes for anyone too. If you are on the "dark side" like Mr. Specter, such is to be expected. If you are on the "light side," sincerity or lack of it will always be found out.

I will point out some huge fabrications and hyperbole that will kill thousands of Americans who follow his advice. The first being that he himself "ain't" a scientist, so why does he go on about "fear of science" killing someone?

He says: "All the food we eat -- every grain of rice and kernel of corn -- has been genetically modified. None of it was here before mankind learned to cultivate crops. The question isn't whether our food has been modified, but how."

I reply: Bullshit. Fooling Red and Blue America for money, you should be proud of yourself. What he is referring to is Mendelian pea crossing and cutting branches off one fruit tree and sticking it onto another kind of fruit tree. This is not genetic modification. The heinous genetic modification rejected by the biggest European countries is kind of a notch above this, with genes from totally different species inserted into the plants to respond to certain chemicals and die at a certain time. In fact, some of these products that have driven farmers to suicide over their fiscal debts are called "terminator seeds." Egyptian farmers in the Nile did not do genetic modification. American farmers did not "genetically modify" their crops the way that corporations do. They could not even fathom such until the advent of PCR invented by Kary Mullis, an LSD using surfer and restriction enzyme technology in the 80's.

He also says: "It doesn't seem to matter how often vaccines are proved safe or supplements are shown to offer nothing of value. When people don't like facts, they ignore them."

It also doesn't seem to matter how often needless and/or too closely administered vaccines in too many a dose are proven to cause autoimmune disease against the nervous system, joints, reproductive systems, and various autoimmune diseases such as gulf war syndrome, and autism. It also doesn't seem to matter when natural supplements are proven to be just as potent or more potent than artificial drugs when the proper ones are taken in the correct amount.

You are a total sell out and you betray the American populace for your paycheck.

The pharma lobby continually tries to ban natural therapies, so why shouldn't the natural and safe medicine lobby try to ban aspirin? Perhaps aspirin should be banned, but then the natural pharma group would be no different than the medical corporate capitalist whore group.

With all due respect to Bill Gates, you can't genetically engineer protein and micronutrients into cassava. If you can materialize gold out of thin air, perhaps this is possible, but you can only rearrange the ratios of what plant will manufacture, but it will always depend on the fertility of the soil and the water these plants are given. A genetically engineered cassava might have some more of this or that amino acid, but the net sum will be the same. Inorganic micronutrients are drawn from the soil, not made by the plant. This will inevitably draw the fertilizer industry into the debate, but organic gardening and innovative farming is best. A great book to refer to is "Organic Manifesto." I don't think any intelligent person believes that genetically engineered cassava is going to nourish Sub-Saharan Africa anymore than a super potato would have nourished starving Ireland. This to any intelligent person is an insulting joke. What Sub-Saharan Africans need are the resources to build their own personal infrastructure, not a genetically engineered root.

Here's what he says!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Natural Nutritional Prevention of Aortic Dissection

The famous heart surgeon, Dr. DeBakey himself died from this disease after pioneering the treatment for it. Still, it strikes people down. It is not as prevalent as regular atherosclerosis which strikes people down, but if an aortic dissection hits you, you are good as dead.

We had fabulous results with both reduction of the worthless LDL number as well as unexpected reduction in this crazy aortic dissection. It is a terrible breaking open of your main plumbing, reducing your water pressure (blood pressure) to dangerously low. Most of the time in humans, this kills you even after surgery.

My experience was that mainstream publications' reviewers had really stupid comments to make such as why I omitted the antibody I used, and various irrelevant remarks. The reviewers never remarked on what should have been the most important pharmacological aspects of the paper such as massive reductions in LDL and aneurysm lipids.

Nutrient supplementation modulates angiotensin II-mediated atherosclerosis in ApoE KO mice

Politics is the realm of elitists. Science should be the gift to humanity, a noble art, which sometimes it can be when financial/political greed or negative psychological interests have not contaminated it.

"Stemmys" Stemis?

Adult stem cells derived from already born people..This offers a great hope for those devastating diseases that do not respond to artificial drug or natural molecule treatment.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Growing New Body Parts:

Believe it or not, I spoke to one of the guys at Osiris at a cardiovascular medicine symposium where a large portion of the science paid attention to innate stem cells, those that originate from your own bone marrow. This is actually a failed attempt at immunizing soldiers to bacterial biowarfare agents, as MSC are largely immunosuppressive rather than antigen presenting/T-cell activating. They did find that they are immensely useful at regenerating organs to some degree or another, and preventing graft versus host disease. Maybe it was my imagination or my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I was able to induce bone marrow cells to become beating heart cells at a very, very low rate when they were co-cultured with heart muscle cells in a dish. No point in trying to be persuasive; I leave it that I performed it and saw it. Prove it or disprove it yourself. It is in theory possible to take your bone marrow white blood cells and change them into nearly any other to regenerate you with brand spanking new body parts.

Here is an engineering application of making new body parts in the case of something catastrophic happening to you that goes far beyond the capability of simple nutrition to fix. If this biotech were advanced today, no victim of catastrophe, malice, or accident would ever fret as they could literally be rebuilt with their own cells.

Growing new bones.

Columbia University's applied biology/medicine department are real pioneers - they create biology where it wasn't there before. Others look to "experts" for footing, because they themselves will not be experts. The reality is that everything is demarked and organized that wasn't demarked and organized before by very intelligent people who knew nothing about the field. They become the experts by virtue of their interest and rigor in defining something that was undefined.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gamma delta T-cells and immune enhancement

This is what not to do:Mevastatin knockdown of yd T cell and corroborates independent lab studies that show that statins are immunosuppressive so much that they are considered as anti-graft-rejection drugs in organ transplant.

Priming these cells with drugs are known to potentiate an anti-cancer effect but not without the usual culprit problems like jaw necrosis.

There are other natural and safe compounds which prime gamma delta T-cells, among which are L-theanine from regular green and black tea. The focus has been on polyphenols that have a plasma threshold much lower than their effective dose, when in fact it might be more bioavailable items in tea that are making the immune system stronger rather than a direct cytotoxic effect by molecules. This being said, these molecules with very low bioavailability may have a profound local effect that is overlooked. In the case of the gastric tract, this is not a small surface area, and it is immunologically dense. The effects of polyphenols that are not seen in plasma may actually be at work in the gut, a very large lymphoid and dendritic site in its own regard. Then there are other components like L-theanine.

By modulating these pathways without drugs, one may enhance the immune system safely and naturally against cancer.

Two molecular mechanisms of compensation after heart attack

If the heart survives after an ischemic heart attack, there are ways that it copes. The structural scaffold fibroblast cells remain, after the functional cells have died. These work much harder to maintain the akinetic region which is better than overt rupture, which would be lethal. The rest of the remaining heart undergoes stress and strain to maintain the difference in work, but at a cost.

Distinctive ERK and p38 signaling in remote and infarcted myocardium during post-MI remodeling in the mouse.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Money, Health, Capitalism, Socialism, Nazis, Oil, War, Evil

What does any of this have to do with each other and what is the solution?

Well, first I will tell you that anarchy and an apocalypse of the infrastructure of science is not the answer, and any intelligent person in a real position of responsibility knows that. We hope that the persons who become the self-ordained or elected figureheads of large groups of influence are not petty children in nature who hold frivolous personal feelings as guidelines to their actions in public. Unfortunately, there are many frivolous adults, some of advanced age, who accidentally usurp positions of responsibility. At the same time, we work with what we have learned to gain new knowledge which may prove old knowledge false and worthless.

Money is a construct that will always exist between groups of humanity as long as they carry individuality, and most likely they will for the duration of their existence. The problem is not one of money but one of who owes who when money is made and the interest made on loans. Rather than award people social credits, the interest loan system adds extra penalty on this to enrich those who make the loan, despite the fact that they have no more right to material ownership than the loanee except for the fact that one is informed, and the other ignorant.

In major wars, the financiers always make large profits through debts generated. So by fomenting wars, enormous debts are generated and no matter who wins, the bank gets rich at humanity's great physical, mental, and spiritual suffering. These effects are most pronounced in World War 2, and unfortunately this system is still at work today in the world. The human body and its vulnerabilities also poise a debt for each person on the planet, multiplied by every year it is alive multiplied by the arbitrary inflation of the cost of each medication. In addition, it may be a way to depopulate the planet as in the evil and publicly archived plans by certain individuals. The petrochemical industry is intimately tied to the drug industry as they are interdependent on their supply, manufacture, distribution, and financial survival. Because the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries have carried out their activities for profit, this has spawned political lobbies.

Despite the fact that Nazi Germany and Hitler came to being through this exact same mechanism, the USA allows pharmaceutical industry lobbies to influence its most powerful leaders like wooden puppets. Certainly this is Capitalism gone too far, when it preys on its own people.

The answer is to make illegal this influence, and assure that pharmaceutical industry has stringent moral codes dedicated to human health and well being. These shouldn't be religious codes, but those based on the reality of human life and the dedication to preserving it for generations to come. It should be made clear that the pharmaceutical industry exists on the behalf of the people that outnumber it, not the other way around. Good medicine is not for saints alone, it isn't reserved for the rich, it isn't reserved for an ethnic group, it isn't reserved for a religious group. It should be available impartially and fairly to all. The physical integrity of a human being allows him or her to achieve what they may or fulfill their fate or desire in life.

This is not to say that natural health groups cannot suffer the same fate. They may become as bad, greedy, and tyrannical as a synthetic pharmaceutical corporation depending on the purity of their leaders intentions. As it is often said, few does power not ruin. So look around, do your part in human freedom,...but don't let it go to your head.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What's At Stake?

If you are complacent, and uninformed, your freedom will be swept away from you in a heartbeat. Don't let these elitists insult your intelligence and use your power to vote to preserve your freedom.

The Video Document

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

what is it about my conviction to natural therapy?

I will explain to you the major points that crystallize my belief in natural product which happened approximately 1996.

1) Observation of failure by conventional synthetic medicine to do the job it claims to do.

2) Wondering why this system costs patients so much money and why this scrambled and flawed system is available only to the insured, which happen to be the very few upper class. The middle class, highly educated, family values demographic is the demographic who suffers most financially and sometimes through death by this supposedly benign system.

3) The problem of money leading me to examine the problem of the business of medicine and how ethically, business and medicine are moral and ethical contradictions. I still believe this, but won't ever attack any good willed doctors doing good healing; especially the orthopedic or trauma surgeon. A sincere medicinal doctor should never give up but rather reform the system from within. Those insincere doctors will mostly likely become victims of their own insincerity.

4) Experiencing therapeutic or complete alleviation of disease through natural therapy through recommendation to others (which is not "Medical Advice") or myself. I abhor any synthetic pill and will avoid it at all cost.

5) Experiencing cognitive dissonance in what information is shared from a conventional standpoint versus what little organized information there is from an alternative medical standpoint.

6) Coming to an understanding that the result is the endpoint, not the way it works which only satisfies the questioning mind but not the ailing body. Academia gets hypnotized by the myriad details of how something works, in order to affect the same result. That has an important and essential place in human knowledge, but sometimes academia simply spends its life on the details regardless of the result. It's age old holistic versus reductionist debate.

7) An epiphany that all synthetic medicine is derived from that which is found in nature, and that the life and matter found in our environments as provided by them without alteration are most often far superior to what humans try to create. Our best pain killers are still distilled from the opium flower, a plant. Some would call it a weed, others a Promethean gift. At the same time, this same natural substance wields the potential for great harm. Wars are fought over it, lives are ruined with it, and pain is lifted by it.

8) A belief in an ideal that humanity must transcend its physical shackles, either self-imposed or imposed against one's will, in order to begin to understand higher truths and more evolved perceptions which will advance humanity. Enslaving humanity for money against their health is undoubtedly devolved and primitive, as well as a certain blackmail.

9) Based on this belief, I think that people can empower themselves as best as they can in the present to prevent what major chronic maladies they can with simple, cheap, natural gifts of the Earth. The liberty of the planet makes these available to all, but the evil in human hearts denies this or deceives others to believe it is not medicine. It has always been medicine, and is the basis of all pharmaceutical industry hijacked by corporate finance and geopolitical control structures. The utilization of this knowledge of a natural biological pharmacy will prevent many people from falling into "The Trap" which has fomented the death of millions upon millions of people on this planet, just as it was intended in WW2. We do not need to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors. We can change course to a benevolent and modern path.

10) Science and technology have their place on this planet, side by side with seemingly primitive medicine, which actually is far more advanced than anything man can create because it is the product of evolution. Evolution created us, but we cannot create evolution, and we currently can barely create anything new other than a microbe or some abomination based on what already exists. The responsible way to employ science and technology is to reveal wisdom, truth, and advancement, not using it to fuel humanity's innate primitive tendencies.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Grape Power Madness:

When something works, the crooks come out the woodshed. On the one hand, the entrenched phonies who jumped through their hoops will discredit natural therapies. On the other hand, they will steal it from you, and make you pay lots of money for it.

It is resveratrol, found in grapes and other normal... . . Food. Yes, all these crazy new super substances always existed in the boring foods that we take for granted. Don't take it for granted.

Here is the nitty gritty of the fisco-academic-political battle over grape power.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Curcumin, a curious molecule.

While the bioavailability is very low, the metabolites might have other effects too. It interacts with mitochondrial redox transduction, HO-1, and other pathways.


An Adult Human Problem: Hemorrhoids!

They strike with high frequency as people get older, and it will literally be a pain in the behind to try to play football or anything else. You will definitely know someone as you go along in life who gets them.

Here is something I found online for those who suffer it:

Horse Chestnut Extract

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A new archeological find:

natural system activation deletes HIV virus

Eh what??? This has been known for several years??? Why don't sick patients get these natural therapies then?

"J Immunol. 2006 Apr 1;176(7):4252-7.
Hemin activation ameliorates HIV-1 infection via heme oxygenase-1 induction.

Devadas K, Dhawan S.

Immunopathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Division of Emerging and Transfusion Transmitted Diseases, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD 20852, USA.

Hemin, a critical component of hemoglobin, is an active ingredient of a biologic therapeutic approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of acute porphyries. This report describes a biological function of this molecule in inducing host defense against HIV-1 infection via heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) induction. Treatment of monocytes with hemin substantially inhibited HIV replication, as evident by nearly undetectable viral RNA and cell-free HIV-1 p24 protein in a dose-dependent manner. Hemin exposure of these cells before infection, at the time of infection, or after infection caused >90% reduction of HIV DNA with substantially low levels of HIV-1 p24 and HIV-associated cytopathic effects. In addition, hemin treatment significantly suppressed infection of both monocytes and T cells inoculated with R5, X4, R5X4 tropic strains, and reverse transcriptase-resistant, azidothymidine-resistant, ddC/ddI-resistant, nivirapine-resistant, and other clinical HIV isolates. Intraperitoneal administration of hemin 4 days after HIV infection reduced viral load in the serum of human PBMC-reconstituted nonobese diabetic SCID mice by >6-fold. Suppression of HIV replication in hemin-activated cells correlated with the induction of HO-1 and was attenuated by tin protoporphyrin (SnPP) IX, an inhibitor of HO-1 activity, suggesting a pivotal role of this endogenous enzyme in the regulation of HIV infection. Hemin-induced HO-1 induction in the CCR-5, CXCR-4, and CD4 coexpressing GHOST(3) cells was consistent with the inhibition of Tat-dependent activation of long terminal repeat promoter leading to reduced GFP expression. These findings suggest an important role of hemin-induced HO-1 activity as a host defense mechanism against HIV-1 infection.

PMID: 16547262 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]"

Heme Oxygenase-1 in Inflammatory Disease

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Beginning and The End:

Yes! Get as much vitamin C as you can take without digestive distress. Additionally, get a good healthy dose of B-vitamins, and electrolytes. At least a couple grams of Lysine a day will help in many different ways too.

I don't know Italian, but I testify to its veracity: Natural Cardiovascular Preventive Medicine