Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tumor Specific Functional Protein, tNOX is selectively targeted by Vanilloid-Catechin.

There is a protein that helps tumors grow and seems to only exist upon tumor cells. EGCG, a multifunctional molecule, targets this protein, but not in the quantities that are delivered orally. Oral bioavailability of EGCG is too low on its own to attack cancer cells vigorously, but combined with vanilloids such as capsaicin may require 10-100 times less. In other words, vanilloid capsaicins and EGCG make EGCG 10 to 100 times more potent. This has been known by an independent lab since 2006.

Catechin-vanilloid synergies with potential clinical applications in cancer.

tumor NOX has drug binding site, normal NOX doesn't

What is ECTO-NOX??

Old tNOX drugs, new directions.

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