Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Michael Specter: A Sold Out Mouthpiece Who Is Neither Scientist nor Journalist

Any self-respecting person wouldn't pretend to know science while making a farce of the spirit of journalism by taking bribes to spew what they know deep down to be a total lie. What a disservice to the American public and those who follow American media to propagate such lies. This goes for anyone too. If you are on the "dark side" like Mr. Specter, such is to be expected. If you are on the "light side," sincerity or lack of it will always be found out.

I will point out some huge fabrications and hyperbole that will kill thousands of Americans who follow his advice. The first being that he himself "ain't" a scientist, so why does he go on about "fear of science" killing someone?

He says: "All the food we eat -- every grain of rice and kernel of corn -- has been genetically modified. None of it was here before mankind learned to cultivate crops. The question isn't whether our food has been modified, but how."

I reply: Bullshit. Fooling Red and Blue America for money, you should be proud of yourself. What he is referring to is Mendelian pea crossing and cutting branches off one fruit tree and sticking it onto another kind of fruit tree. This is not genetic modification. The heinous genetic modification rejected by the biggest European countries is kind of a notch above this, with genes from totally different species inserted into the plants to respond to certain chemicals and die at a certain time. In fact, some of these products that have driven farmers to suicide over their fiscal debts are called "terminator seeds." Egyptian farmers in the Nile did not do genetic modification. American farmers did not "genetically modify" their crops the way that corporations do. They could not even fathom such until the advent of PCR invented by Kary Mullis, an LSD using surfer and restriction enzyme technology in the 80's.

He also says: "It doesn't seem to matter how often vaccines are proved safe or supplements are shown to offer nothing of value. When people don't like facts, they ignore them."

It also doesn't seem to matter how often needless and/or too closely administered vaccines in too many a dose are proven to cause autoimmune disease against the nervous system, joints, reproductive systems, and various autoimmune diseases such as gulf war syndrome, and autism. It also doesn't seem to matter when natural supplements are proven to be just as potent or more potent than artificial drugs when the proper ones are taken in the correct amount.

You are a total sell out and you betray the American populace for your paycheck.

The pharma lobby continually tries to ban natural therapies, so why shouldn't the natural and safe medicine lobby try to ban aspirin? Perhaps aspirin should be banned, but then the natural pharma group would be no different than the medical corporate capitalist whore group.

With all due respect to Bill Gates, you can't genetically engineer protein and micronutrients into cassava. If you can materialize gold out of thin air, perhaps this is possible, but you can only rearrange the ratios of what plant will manufacture, but it will always depend on the fertility of the soil and the water these plants are given. A genetically engineered cassava might have some more of this or that amino acid, but the net sum will be the same. Inorganic micronutrients are drawn from the soil, not made by the plant. This will inevitably draw the fertilizer industry into the debate, but organic gardening and innovative farming is best. A great book to refer to is "Organic Manifesto." I don't think any intelligent person believes that genetically engineered cassava is going to nourish Sub-Saharan Africa anymore than a super potato would have nourished starving Ireland. This to any intelligent person is an insulting joke. What Sub-Saharan Africans need are the resources to build their own personal infrastructure, not a genetically engineered root.

Here's what he says!

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