Saturday, November 21, 2015

Forced Reading Versus Searched Reading

Some people will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on forced exposure to an idea.  You have no choice but to look at it, imprinting an idea in your mind, whether you agree to it or disagree to it.  That is one approach.  There may be some big proponents you win this way, as well as big opponents.

On the other hand, the totally free, no money involved Google Blogs only attract people who resonate with your idea.  In essence, you automatically generate 100% support bases by not spending any money, not trying (at all) to attract anyone.  Agree?  Stay.  Disagree?  Okay, you didn't lose anything so don't stick around.  Especially don't stick around and disagree.  I spent $0 on gaining a philosophical support base but that is not the correct or appropriate way to look at things.  More accurately, like minded people eventually resonate toward one another try or not to keep them away from one another.

Or you can try to force the same poles of two magnets against one another, causing only repulsion, to use a metaphor.

In a way, simply typing this forces (somebody) to read this.  I didn't spend anything other than a few minutes and a few electrons doing this.  It only takes one power broker or gatekeeper to agree with you (or disagree with you as it may be) to change the intellectual terrain on which you are received.  By voicing your thoughts (for free, not forcing people to read with hundreds of thousands of dollars), you activate this possibility.  If you don't, what can happen other than nothing changing...

In this regard, I see that there are classically trained and intelligent scientists who are separating the bogus chaff of sales pitches from the drug industry from what is real, and too bad for the drug salesmen, oftentimes the real solution is not a big money maker.  Good for you, you reader!  Congratulations on finding my shared knowledge, you will not regret it but rather free yourself from the exponential chain of bullshit that will cost you lots money, time, and pain.

If you don't agree, just go away.  It is like the Flinstonian obsolete creeky old institution The Freemasons, feebly trying to make a comeback in places like Orange County, CA believe it or not.  The Freemasons don't go out like Jehovah's Witnesses trying to recruit people let alone retain them.  Come and stay, or come and go, or don't come, or stay and go, whatever.  It is totally up to you.  I simply go to a Roman Catholic church and pay my dues in work or support, it is much easier and cheaper.  Humans think they can pay their way into some unknown or worse confuse science with religion which even a priest would advise against.  But as Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe."  No, it is intentional. If you are so obtuse not to see these workings, it is no use to force this understanding.  A person changes his or her own mind or heart, there is no other path in intellectual concession.  A person celebrates in "changing someone else's mind."  Ridiculous.  Nobody changes anyone's mind, they change their own.

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