Sunday, November 1, 2015

Do not take Vitamin D for flu prevention?!? A world gone mad and dishonest.

Epidemic influenza and vitamin D

With a clear link to Vitamin D deficiency and influenza having been established by the most credible doctors and scientists to have existed, we have the same message being thrown at us:  Get flu shots.  Just in time for "flu season" which really coincides with: temperature decrease, aridity of nasopharyngeal mucous membranes, and Vitamin D deficiency (not a weakened flu virus injection deficiency).

As in literally, weakened whole flu virus and sometimes some bonus mercury if the needles were bundled in packs rather than individually.  A lot of dummies think that the flu shot is a special medicine, antibody, or nanobot going around inside you plucking off the influenza virus.  The flu vaccine IS the flu virus.  As these rigorous and conventionally trained doctors and scientists documented, Vitamin D deficiency caused this flu virus jab to spring into action and cause flu symptoms.  The symptoms were minimal to none with lots of Vitamin D.

Yet, because Big Pharma thinks we are morons and only potential consumers, they will try to persuade us to part with our money in any way imaginable.  At the top of these industries, literally the only thing that matters is money.  Murder is just fine if it means preserving a financial domain.  It is not a second thought.  If that is okay, then the other things seem like saintly occupations by comparison.  What what it be to them to lie to you about efficacy, side effects, or reason of being (money)?  As all (ethical) global intelligence agencies do, they follow the money to end at the real source of crime.

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