Sunday, August 8, 2021

Get the covid-19 vaccine, stupid.

Ivermectin is poisonous and has severe side effects.

These desperate suggestions for repurposing small molecules for covid-19 therapy were made before the Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines existed and were plentiful.  Now, there is simply no excuse not to obtain one and certainly it is totally reckless, irresponsible, and mass homicidal to confuse the non-scientific public about the efficacy and safety of these vaccines.  The disinformation campaign sowing doubt about the very effective vaccines is both deeply disturbing and inexcusable. 

I sprinted out the door and obtained the Pfizer 2 dose covid-19 vaccine as soon as I could and I have never been a more responsible human being in doing so.  All the bizarre conspiracy theories surrounding it are really stupid reading.  Yes, it may have side effects, just like every single human medication, ESPECIALLY ivermectin.  The vaccine has only boosted my health, shielding me from the delta and other covid-19 variants out there without need of a constant stockpile of lice medication at hand.

It's not a political proposition, it's not an either or thing, a right or wrong thing, or a me versus you thing.  Such thinking at a time like this is the EPITOME OF STUPIDITY.  Also, of course you can take high dose vitamin C at the same time, same as you might possibly chew gum and walk at the same time.

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