Monday, August 23, 2021

Decreasing ACE2 Causes Heart Attacks and Strokes

Rather than a natural cognate receptor for covid-19, it is an essential enzyme of the human cardiovascular system that the novel coronavirus uses for cell entry.

The mass murder misinformation campaigns online recommending the reduction of ACE2 and so forth as the solution to the crisis only aggravate the problem of vaccination hesitancy and simple rejection of the vaccine by those who read pseudoscience garbage like this.  These speculations are not even tested upon real covid-19 virus, not even in an in vitro setting.  The fact that groups like this have both slowly turned into political agencies using false science and have found political support in the science community, those with a football fan hooligan mentality but no science between the ears, is deeply concerning to say the least.  The erosion of science by people like this benefits nobody, not in China, not the USA, not Europe, not Russia, nowhere.  All this serves to persuade people to avoid and reject covid-19 vaccination, thereby perpetuating the global crisis.

ACE2 has always served to neutralize the function of excess vasoconstrictor AngII by converting it to Ang1-7, thereby balancing human blood pressure.  If you take away the brakes for the wheels of this system, ACE2, you get strokes, aneurysms, and heart attacks.  Clearly, that could not be the way any beneficial medication, natural or not, works.  To suggest eliminating ACE2 as the solution to the covid-19 pandemic is to suggest mass murder (homicide), and this is no exaggeration.  This person might as well be a guy in a post office with an assault rifle; a malevolent actor and menace to society.

Moreover, decreasing ACE2 WORSENS covid-19, and does not improve it.  Even less than half the available ACE2 is more than enough for a raging covid-19 infection to occur, and so lowering ACE2 simply is not the solution to the covid-19 pandemic crisis.

Decreasing ACE2 WORSENS covid-19 in people. 

My message is unambiguous and clear, and free of any political or personal agenda.  The covid-19 vaccines are the solution to this global crisis.  Please go obtain one if you can.
I received the Pfizer mRNA 2 dose vaccine and it is working great without any side effects.  Those close around me have made a sound choice and obtained one of the various vaccines out there and also do not need to rely on prophylactic lice medicine or trading in covid-19 infection for heart attack. 




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