Sunday, August 14, 2016

Vitamin K2, CoQ10, "High" Cholesterol, and Schnyder Corneal Dystrophy

This is a new discovery, quietly making its way through the internet of knowledge in 2016, but probably no less profound than Brown and Goldstein's uncovering active LDL feedback and control mechanisms.  This is more contemporary evidence that those wonk heads who honestly think they have put an end to new discovery are usually wrong.  While ascorbate is important to prevent the damage that apo(a) repairs, it is not the only thing you need to prevent atherosclerosis.  Huge amounts of ascorbate can cover for a UBIAD1 deficiency as I will explain later on here, but probably you will never recover what you could gain by augmenting the loss-of-function from not having enough menaquinone-4 vitamin K2..and CoQ10.

UBIAD1, the vitamin K2 generating enzyme, is necessary in its un-mutated form to chaperone HMG CoA reductase as a steric protease inhibitor.  When encountering geranylgeraniol in the mevalonate pathway, UBIAD1 dissociates from the reductase, removing the steric hindrance to proteolysis and then the reductase is degraded, and cholesterol synthesis goes down.

The prenyltransferase UBIAD1 is the target of geranylgeraniol in degradation of HMG CoA reductase.

When the UBIAD1 enzyme is mutated, it does not dissociate from the mevalonate pathway enzyme and it does not degrade and so over-functions in constitutive cholesterol synthesis.

Not only this, but mutated UBIAD1 can be rescued by the administration of its gene product, menaquinone-4, a molecular species of Vitamin K2, making this a very solvable problem for people if they understand what it is they have.  If they do not understand what they have, they will get Schnyder Corneal Dystrophy and eventual coronary and renal calcifications if not also calcium deposits in all the arterial bifurcations and curvatures.

Role of UBIAD1 in Intracellular Cholesterol Metabolism and Vascular Cell Calcification

Looks like someone already beat me to the punch here:

Vitamin K2 biosynthetic enzyme, UBIAD1 is essential for embryonic development of mice.

So there is a bonafide conjunction, not coincidental or supplemental, but an essential conjoining of function between HMG CoA reductase, UBIAD1, cholesterol levels, and prevention of vascular calcification.  Not having K2 or CoQ10 will raise intracellular cholesterol levels directly at the enzymatic level, not at a degradation or accumulation aspect.

As I speculated, massive doses of vitamin C can cover some of the defects of a UBIAD1 defect by virtue of it being an electron donor and labile redox molecule, but won't fully rescue the UBIAD1 defect.  "In COQ2 mutant fibroblasts, increased superoxide anion production and oxidative stress-induced cell death were normalized by all supplements."

Treatment of CoQ10 Deficient Fibroblasts with Ubiquinone, CoQ Analogs, and Vitamin C: Time- and Compound-Dependent Effects

Of these compounds, you make CoQ10 until age 20 when the enzymatic synthesis starts to run down (sad but true) until age 80 when the synthesis levels are very low to nil.  Vitamin K is needed in the micrograms quantity per day, qualifying it as a classical "MICRO" nutrient.  I will argue that ascorbate IS NOT a micronutrient but a millinutrient.  For some bubble headed quackademic to claim that you can get by on micrograms of ascorbate is not paying attention and will cause a massacre by scurvy.  Leave it to a quack (mal) nutritionist to have only two blunt categories:  Macro and micronutrients, ignoring millinutrients.  It is like a person saying there is only 2 hours in a day when there are 12 or spring and winter, forgetting summer and autumn.  Nobody ever makes vitamin C, so if you had to supplement only 1 out of 3 things, I would most definitely choose vitamin C.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Unlike Vitamin C (Ascorbate), Humans Make Their Own Sufficient CoQ10 Until Age 20:

In the same way we need to always take vitamin C in order to prevent death, we also need to start taking CoQ10 after the age of 20 to prevent death.

In a picture, why CoQ10 is so important to preserving cardiovascular integrity.

Without CoQ10, as provided by the UBIAD1 protein, we incur constant free radical damage to our arteries and heart cells.  It is not as important to ingest reduced Ubiquinol as to replenish the level of Ubiquinone lost to age related decrease in synthesis.

The weird English language

When you say "ascent," you don't pronounce the silent c.  When you say "descend," you don't say "dee-skend."  When you say ascorbate, you transcend normal rules of speaking English and say "a-skorbate."  Sure, whatever.  If I say "asorbate," people know that I am referring to ascorbate, the same way that Americans understand a Brit when he says "toe-mah-toe." Miniscule irrelevant trifle.  Of course I mean the anion of vitamin C, ever linkable to a cationic 2+ mineral.  Duh!

Need to know the rectum apart from the kneebone.

A lack of anatomical knowledge dismisses a person from being taken seriously.  It relegates the person into a class of individuals desperately trying to circumvent what is ordinary knowledge with what they make up out of thin air, in the same way a pathological liar would do.  Arterial collagen is not made from fibroblasts.  There are no fibroblasts inside an artery, they reside outside the artery.  The collagenous tunica adventitia is distinct from the collagen laid down by the endothelium and the smooth muscle cells of the smallest to largest arteries.

A home school quackademic can start with at least this much:

There are no fibroblasts in the wall of the normal artery.

Tunica intima: Large arteries often have a large subendothelial layer, which grows with age or disease conditions (arteriosclerosis). Both connective tissue and smooth muscle are present in the intima. The border of the intima is delineated by the internal elastic membrane. The internal elastic membrane may not be conspicuous because of the abundance of elastic material in the tunica media.

Tunica media: This is the thickest of the three layers. The smooth muscle cells are arranged in a spiral around the long axis of the vessel. They secrete elastin in the form of sheets, or lamellae, which are fenestrated to facilitate diffusion. The number of lamellae increase with age (few at birth, 40-70 in adult) and with hypertension. These lamellae, and the large size of the media, are the most striking histological feature of elastic arteries. In addition to elastin, the smooth muscle cells of the media secrete reticular and fine collagen fibers and proteoglycans (all not identifiable). No fibroblasts are present. 

Tunica adventitia: This is a relatively thin connective tissue layer. Fibroblasts are the predominant cell type, and many macrophages are also present. Collagen fibres predominate and elastic fibres (not lamellae) are also present. The collagen in the adventitia prevents elastic arteries from stretching beyond their physiological limits during systole. Blood vessels supplying the adventitia and outer media are also present, these are called vasa vasorum ("vessels of the vessels"). (The inner part of the media is supplied from the lumen via pinocytic transport)."

Medical knowledge won't degenerate into a pseudoscience run by infantile egotists if I can help it.  How can these lunatics expect to be taken seriously if they do not know apart the sinotubular junction of the aortic root from the coronary ostia in the sinus from the actual coronary arteries?  Then they proceed to lament that they are unfairly ridiculed.  The ridicule is completely deserved.  Then they push it a step further by saying seaweed lays down in your arteries!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Regulation of the Epigenome by Vitamin C"

Clickable Link:

Regulation of the Epigenome by Vitamin C

Did you click the above link?

 This is the future.  This is where we start appreciating things we do not understand, but take for granted as they weave our existence without our awareness.  Stem cell science in toto, iPSC, whatever, won't work normally with ultra low cell culture media levels of vitamin C, which are 10 fold less than normal with "10% serum."  That means you only have 10% of whatever level of ascorbate anion was in the animal sera, and probably less after heat sterilization.  If that won't make for funny non physiological results, I don't know what will.  More often than not, it is the ultra simple that is responsible for the ultra complex in scientific matters.  Like not having nuts but only possessing bolts, the lack of REAL (not pseudoscience sales quackademia) understanding of this sophisticated working leaves all of humanity closer to its primordial origins than its future destiny.

This is more akin to "Linus Pauling science,"  than absurd childish, suicidal, schizophrenic claims like "Seaweed Fucoidan -   A Substitute for Vitamin C."  (Seaweed has ample vitamin C in it...STUPID.)  People will die like in a holocaust should they attempt to replace their vitamin C with fucoidan.  That would be a Neo-Nazi act.  Fucoidan IS NOT a functional substitute for vitamin C.  It is definitely not.  Fucoidan has some reducing power, but not even close to ascorbate anion.  This is a murder statement for humanity.

Excellent future looking work.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Seaweed is a replacement for vitamin C? I guess the space aliens have started pouring out of the hollow moon too.

No doubt seaweed is excellent food.  Fucoidan is great for you.  High dose oral vitamin C is an excellent preventive measure for degenerative diseases.

Seaweed contains:  Fucoidan.  Vitamin C.  Fucoidan tightly binds vitamin c, dragging vitamin C around with it.  Weight per weight, edible kelp has more vitamin C than oranges.  Is an orange a substitute for vitamin C?  Not yes and no.  Just simply no.  Oranges are a source of vitamin C.  Seaweed is a source of vitamin C.

Is fucoidan a substitute for ascorbic acid (vitamin C)?  Absolutely not.  Not even a deranged third grader would be puzzled by the fact that vitamin C can only replace vitamin C.  An alternate statement might be: "Fucoidan - A Substitute For Vitamin C."  Nope.  Not to mention the fact that the high molecular weight fucoidan doesn't enter the blood stream (or bind to arteries), that you have to inject intravenously an artificial preparation of low molecular weight fucoidan for any substantial tracing of thromboses, it is the vitamin C in seaweed doing vitamin C things, not seaweed.  Anyone can wander into a normal grocery store and see (not vitamin C) for themselves.  Pick up a pack of dried edible seaweed, look at the nutritional facts, and there it is - 20% of the USRDA of Vitamin C.

This is not Nobel Laureate science, which is why I have nothing whatsoever to do with this strange turn towards completely erroneous self-published, non-peer reviewed....artifacts of vitamin C being inside seaweed itself (and bound to fucoidan).  You can only fathom what insanity is required for this sort of childish and infantile nonsense. 

Only Vitamin C can serve where Vitamin C is needed.  Even in 2016.  It is best stated by Dr. Mark Levine of the US NIH:

Vitamin C: the known, the unknown, and Goldilocks.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cellular Medicine? You mean "Nutritional Medicine" don't you?

It cannot possibly be trademarked.  Why?  Because ALL medicine targets cells.  Arguably, the macro specialties such as craniofacial, orthopedic, internal, respiratory, ENT, digestive, vision, hearing, etc. refer to different things...which are all constituted by...roll the drums!!  CELLS!  No way!

So with this additional prima fascie obviousness, we reach a ridiculous level of absurdity to insinuate a deeper understanding of cell biology than say, Lubert Stryer or Becker, Reece, and Poenie all of who taught these types of buffoons around the world everything they know.  Which part of the cell?  All of them or just the nucleus?  The mitochondria and the lysosomes or just the lysosomes, or is it the ER or Golgi, both, all or just one?  So many questions which are all answered above.  All medicine is cellular in affect, making for a ridiculous statement to say, "Cellular Medicine."  Of course it is cellular.  But where?  Outside the cell?  Extracellular medicine?  Inside the cell?  Intracellular medicine?  Between cells?  Intercellular medicine?  Besides this, there is no possible trademark for it.  It would be like trying to trademark "Drinking Water."

With that, what they really mean is modulating all sorts of biochemical pathways by food.  Nobody else tries to call a horse a pig, or a pig a salesman, but some try to call nutritional medicine, "cellular medicine," which of course is true, just as drinking water is drinkable and is made of water.

It is a comic tragedy that something so important to change peoples' lives for the better gets usurped by the forces of insanity, greed, and powerlust.  Some throw their weight around, and plenty they have of it, in a show of monkey hierarchy.  Like a troop of apes, the alpha ape has to make sure to beat down the others.  The humanity of medicine anywhere and everywhere is lost to these negative characteristics too often.  Give a person a little bit of power, a little bit of money, and you unmask the true person dwelling underneath.  Sometimes it is a totally different person than the mask.

After dismissing buffoonery, it must be emphasized that vitamins and minerals are essential to prevent cancer.  Deficiencies of these nutrients create DNA breaks and damage comparable to large doses of harmful ionizing radiation.  DNA damage is the essence of heritable and somatic carcinogenesis, especially when this mistake is not repaired, the cell not programmed for death, and the new DNA contains errors.  There are other non-genetic ways that a cell can become cancerous, but not many.  The strongest evidence to support the use of vitamins and minerals as a cancer prevention tool was generated by Bruce Ames.  Someone else may claim that they came up with this idea, but they simply did not.  Bruce Ames is the pioneer and expert upon this idea which validates nutritional medicine as key to preventing cancer in the general populace.  If you are a skeptic of all this because of all the buffoonery, and you read nothing else, read this.


Prevention of Mutation, Cancer, and Other Age-Associated Diseases by Optimizing Micronutrient Intake   

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Eradicating Borrelia Biofilm with Stevia and Lactoferrin

Stevia greatly reduces borrelia biofilm and is very safe, non-toxic at even very high doses of oral ingestion.  Good to know my bottle of stevia powder sugar substitute is killing borrelia biofilm. 

From the Sapi lab in the USA:

Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana Whole Leaf Extract Against the Various Morphological Forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi in Vitro 



Lactoferrin above 40mg/L (200mg/day/human) eradicates borrelia biofilms (Sapi, et. al)

Lactoferrin not only sequesters iron, but manganese from borrelia.  Borrelia manganese is currently a therapeutic target of the Bay Area Lyme Disease consortium (not affiliated with DRRI).

Milk and Stevia offer solutions to the reservoir of borrelia persistence, biofilm.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Green Tea and Heart? Is this a Joke?


Others tend towards comedy by saying things like "Seaweed - A Substitute For Ascorbic Acid" (it is not and cannot be) while showing all sorts of convincing looking artifacts of the ascorbic acid provided by seaweed (and that vitamin C bound to fucoidan).  Next they will claim that oranges are a substitute for vitamin C in their ultimate brilliance.

Green Tea is no joke.  It is ridiculously ubiquitous yet also ridiculously powerful medicine.  God's gift to mankind indeed.

Coordinated regulation of murine cardiomyocyte contractility by nanomolar (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, the major green tea catechin. 


What?!?  10 nanomolar EGCG ( 0.01uM or 0.00001mM) that which can be achieved orally through tea or  capsules helps strengthen heart muscle contraction - a great thing for heart failure patients.

Polyphenols are notorious for their low bioavailability, underneath that needed for therapeutic thresholds, but not for increasing heart pumping strength.