Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cellular Medicine? You mean "Nutritional Medicine" don't you?

It cannot possibly be trademarked.  Why?  Because ALL medicine targets cells.  Arguably, the macro specialties such as craniofacial, orthopedic, internal, respiratory, ENT, digestive, vision, hearing, etc. refer to different things...which are all constituted by...roll the drums!!  CELLS!  No way!

So with this additional prima fascie obviousness, we reach a ridiculous level of absurdity to insinuate a deeper understanding of cell biology than say, Lubert Stryer or Becker, Reece, and Poenie all of who taught these types of buffoons around the world everything they know.  Which part of the cell?  All of them or just the nucleus?  The mitochondria and the lysosomes or just the lysosomes, or is it the ER or Golgi, both, all or just one?  So many questions which are all answered above.  All medicine is cellular in affect, making for a ridiculous statement to say, "Cellular Medicine."  Of course it is cellular.  But where?  Outside the cell?  Extracellular medicine?  Inside the cell?  Intracellular medicine?  Between cells?  Intercellular medicine?  Besides this, there is no possible trademark for it.  It would be like trying to trademark "Drinking Water."

With that, what they really mean is modulating all sorts of biochemical pathways by food.  Nobody else tries to call a horse a pig, or a pig a salesman, but some try to call nutritional medicine, "cellular medicine," which of course is true, just as drinking water is drinkable and is made of water.

It is a comic tragedy that something so important to change peoples' lives for the better gets usurped by the forces of insanity, greed, and powerlust.  Some throw their weight around, and plenty they have of it, in a show of monkey hierarchy.  Like a troop of apes, the alpha ape has to make sure to beat down the others.  The humanity of medicine anywhere and everywhere is lost to these negative characteristics too often.  Give a person a little bit of power, a little bit of money, and you unmask the true person dwelling underneath.  Sometimes it is a totally different person than the mask.

After dismissing buffoonery, it must be emphasized that vitamins and minerals are essential to prevent cancer.  Deficiencies of these nutrients create DNA breaks and damage comparable to large doses of harmful ionizing radiation.  DNA damage is the essence of heritable and somatic carcinogenesis, especially when this mistake is not repaired, the cell not programmed for death, and the new DNA contains errors.  There are other non-genetic ways that a cell can become cancerous, but not many.  The strongest evidence to support the use of vitamins and minerals as a cancer prevention tool was generated by Bruce Ames.  Someone else may claim that they came up with this idea, but they simply did not.  Bruce Ames is the pioneer and expert upon this idea which validates nutritional medicine as key to preventing cancer in the general populace.  If you are a skeptic of all this because of all the buffoonery, and you read nothing else, read this.


Prevention of Mutation, Cancer, and Other Age-Associated Diseases by Optimizing Micronutrient Intake   

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