Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Regulation of the Epigenome by Vitamin C"

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Regulation of the Epigenome by Vitamin C

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 This is the future.  This is where we start appreciating things we do not understand, but take for granted as they weave our existence without our awareness.  Stem cell science in toto, iPSC, whatever, won't work normally with ultra low cell culture media levels of vitamin C, which are 10 fold less than normal with "10% serum."  That means you only have 10% of whatever level of ascorbate anion was in the animal sera, and probably less after heat sterilization.  If that won't make for funny non physiological results, I don't know what will.  More often than not, it is the ultra simple that is responsible for the ultra complex in scientific matters.  Like not having nuts but only possessing bolts, the lack of REAL (not pseudoscience sales quackademia) understanding of this sophisticated working leaves all of humanity closer to its primordial origins than its future destiny.

This is more akin to "Linus Pauling science,"  than absurd childish, suicidal, schizophrenic claims like "Seaweed Fucoidan -   A Substitute for Vitamin C."  (Seaweed has ample vitamin C in it...STUPID.)  People will die like in a holocaust should they attempt to replace their vitamin C with fucoidan.  That would be a Neo-Nazi act.  Fucoidan IS NOT a functional substitute for vitamin C.  It is definitely not.  Fucoidan has some reducing power, but not even close to ascorbate anion.  This is a murder statement for humanity.

Excellent future looking work.

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