Sunday, March 8, 2020

"D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine Impairs Coronavirus Replication"

This blog is dedicated to helping people avoid getting fleeced like sheep of all their money by applying food as medicine as well as avoid disease which human misery it brings is worse than being fleeced like a sheep.  Sometimes scientific food and plant derived distillates might be literally life saving.

Aspirin is originally from the willow tree bark.  Lysine and glycine are readily obtainable amino acids that are parts of many foods.

Wishing all benevolent people benevolent things.  No thanks to the (non-Rothschild, non-Rockefeller, not even American) psychiatric ward escapees who insinuated themselves into Linus Pauling's legacy and attempted to burglarize it from him.  They are not even Russian backed, but think they are at a certain British exile person's level.  He proclaimed to me quietly over dinner as I fascinated about his intriguing, silly 80's imperial fantasies outdone at every level already by the USA, "The Russians Will Prevail."  

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