Monday, July 27, 2020

Nature Publications: Fucoidan nearly 10 times more potent than Remdesivir (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Food Seaweeds Contain Fucoidan, A Potent Inhibitor of COVID-19

There is simply no excuse other than malevolent insanity and evil motivations to omit widespread recommendations for dietary supplements to combat this plague via the surgeon general and other officials of the government.

Seaweed, being a green "photosynthetic" plant, not only synthesizes fucoidans, but also vitamin C while it sways merrily in the sunny oceans.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Megadose Vitamin C, God's Gift, Handicapped Humanity's Cure, and The Bane of The Great Culling (Vitamin C and COVID-19)

Why won't supposedly benevolent government officials tout a ubiquitous, cheap, safe cure over rare, toxic, expensive treatments?  The answers are both obvious, myriad, and evil.  If you are benevolent and have a true agape for the human creature, it is a moral obligation to mention megadose vitamin C as a potential solution to the covid-19 weapon.  The suffering of the people "culled" is a metaphysical debt incurred against the murderers.  There is no net gain, just net loss and bizarre occult curses by INJUST unnatural murder.  There is never a fee to pay by pure, sincere benevolence, but always a debt to pay by doing evil.

The Townsend Letter Regarding Vitamn C and Covid-19

The real question is why is any American government official biasing any artifice product over another? Would that not be the use of government office to unfairly boost one product over another?  Would that not be against fair market force?  It clearly would be.  Combined with the crime of omission of life saving advice by purpose of personal gain, it would amount to a definitive crime of mass genocide and potentially, high treason.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The inexorable or the modifiable? Loss of our thymus by age 75, and loss of T-cell power.

It is our central immune hub beyond our spleen and lymph system, the thymus gland whose size vastly differs between age 20 and age 75.  Perhaps the shrinking is a sort of evolutionary enhancement, allowing for the new to replace the old, except for one problem.  If the only life span you can achieve is that of an insect, you cannot possibly achieve anything more than an insect.  So, our designed immune spans also align with what we are capable of (or allowed to do) by evolution.  Perhaps, if our efforts are not aligned with a universal design, our thymus will prevent us from building these warped designs, OR this is as good as it gets.  Probably, it is a match between finding what the universe wants from us, and knowing how to get around artificial limitations.  Potentially, thymic age is an artificial limitation imposed upon us.  Do we just sit there and accept such sadism?  Of course not.

Thymic involution

Apparently, thymic shrinkage is not a sealed fate.  Loss of thymus is very much why the older succumb to evil viruses more often than their younger peers.

As no surprise goes, our human botched gene for the very last step of vitamin C synthesis is behind thymic shrinkage too.  If whatever force that is alien to our advantage had not left us with a botched copy to remind us that we once had it, we may not have had to suffer the problem of thymic shrinkage with age and therefore shrugged off COVID-19 as just another cold.

High dietary intake of vitamin C suppresses age-related thymic atrophy and contributes to the maintenance of immune cells in vitamin C-deficient senescence marker protein-30 knockout mice.

Vitamin C is the gene rescue product you need to give humans, all of whom have a "nub," a reminder of what we all once had, a functional L-guluno-lactone-y-oxidase enzyme, which would have made us far more disease resistant, more resilient, and much higher functioning as the brain IS the greediest active sponge of vitamin C of all human organs.  It probably makes you taller too, if you are interested in that in your kids - really I never worry about that.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro


Nevertheless, it is better to not require lice medicine everyday because you got the covid-19 mRNA vaccines.  I completed my 2 dose Pfizer covid-19 vaccine and enjoy freedom from having to gulp down synthetic (poison) lice pills everyday.


It's important to take a look at every and all options without a priori judgements, but a politician masquerading as a doctor is not capable of making apolitical judgements.  It is these very politicians dressed as doctors who have caused MASS MURDER on the planet by discouraging and dissuading people from receiving the covid-19 vaccine.  In the best scenario, their misinformation causes hesitancy until the person finally decides to obtain a covid-19 vaccination.  In the worst scenario, the unvaccinated person dies of covid-19 and triggers policy lockdowns and restrictions in human activity.

Friday, March 20, 2020

From the CDC of the USA itself: "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread"

"Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread" 


You're not supposed to overdose on fish tank medicine.  If it doesn't kill a fish, it definitely won't kill you.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

"D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine Impairs Coronavirus Replication"

This blog is dedicated to helping people avoid getting fleeced like sheep of all their money by applying food as medicine as well as avoid disease which human misery it brings is worse than being fleeced like a sheep.  Sometimes scientific food and plant derived distillates might be literally life saving.

Aspirin is originally from the willow tree bark.  Lysine and glycine are readily obtainable amino acids that are parts of many foods.

Wishing all benevolent people benevolent things.  No thanks to the (non-Rothschild, non-Rockefeller, not even American) psychiatric ward escapees who insinuated themselves into Linus Pauling's legacy and attempted to burglarize it from him.  They are not even Russian backed, but think they are at a certain British exile person's level.  He proclaimed to me quietly over dinner as I fascinated about his intriguing, silly 80's imperial fantasies outdone at every level already by the USA, "The Russians Will Prevail."