Monday, June 2, 2014

Vitamin A Deficiency Causes an Irreversible Immunodeficiency??

Now, let's read this carefully again.  "A significant unresolved question is how vitamin A deprivation causes, and why retinoic acid fails to reverse, immunodeficiency. When depleted of vitamin A, T cells undergo programmed cell death (PCD), which is enhanced by the natural competitor of retinol, anhydroretinol."

But the TV pop-docs told us that vitamins have absolutely nothing to do with immune system function and that this vitamin-immune system connection is some kind of charlatan's ploy..

Wait a minute, now.  Vitamin A deficiency causes immunodeficiency?

Vitamin A depletion causes oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and PARP-1-dependent energy deprivation.

While the title says one thing, the abstract clearly states another.  The disease is clearly multifactorial, but one cannot actually claim that vitamin deficiency has nothing to contribute to immunodeficiency because that would be simply false.  In fact, there is a 1-to-1 causality between various single nutrient deficiencies including macronutrients and immunodeficiency.  Nearly all nutrients are important to immune system function in one aspect or another.  It doesn't mean a well-nourished person will never get sick, just the same as living in the USA doesn't mean everyone will win the lottery.  It does mean that nutrient deficiency is an important causal factor to immunodeficiency, especially in impoverished countries and that there is no denying this fact.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Single Nutrient Deficiencies Known to Cause Cancer

Despite the "Reader's Digest" style expert "news" and other pop-sci mass media outlets that would lead one to believe this is some kind of quackery, it is well established in conventional global science that various single nutrient deficiencies are carcinogenic to the same degree as environmental carcinogens.  On the contrary, various single nutrient deficiencies may lead to severe cancer and the causal link has been established and known for a long time among conventional scientists.  Obviously, a compound nutrient deficiency could only worsen and aggravate carcinogenic processes.

Rather than go into a massive enumerated list-o-mania, or amazingly irrelevant political tirade, here are a few solid examples of independent conventional studies having proven the fact for a long time.

Selenium deficiency causes disseminated pyogranulomas.

Methionine and choline deficiency cause liver cancer.

Methyl donor nutrient deficiency causes liver cancer.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency causes genetic damage to B-cells.

Folate deficiency causes mitochondrial DNA deletions and chromosome breaks.

Zinc deficiency causes aberrant DNA damage repair.

Causing liver cancer by fighting glioma by depleting methionine??

Iodine deficiency causes dysplasia and neoplasia.

Riboflavin deficiency predisposes to cancer.

Riboflavin deficiency causes increased susceptibility to carcinogens.

Low Vitamin A causes Wilms tumor.

Experimental Vitamin A deficiency causes increased nephroblastoma.

Of course we don't ever forget about Vitamin C (ascorbate).