Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gardasil Mental Handicap Cases in CDC VAERS Database

This news mirror is not supporting any political position or party or politician.

Professors must pay $10,000 on lost bet. VAERS case number 339718. That case was reported in Indiana on February 17, 2009:

"Approx 3 weeks after getting 1st set of Gardasil, patient complained that she was weak and was having a hard time speaking. On 11/29/08 patient had 2 seizures. She was was taken to the ER. Since the first few days of her illness, she stopped being able to talk, walk and has been completely unresponsive. She is on a ventilator & has a feeding tube. She has neurological movements. All of the testing done shows that patient has encephalitis. The cause of the Encephalitis is a reaction to the Gardasil Vaccine... FINAL DX: meningoencephalitis w/significant mental changes & seizures Records reveal patient experienced seizure that progressed to loss of speech, sustained focal seizures... seizure disorder; history of depression w/suicidal attempts... not able to follow commands... severe neurological damage. Now w/fever, hypotension & decreased mental status[.]"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Fascinating "Number Needed to Treat" from the Country of Neptune

"Continue to give more and more people the drug until you see it work. It doesn't matter if it doesn't do anything for 999 people."

"Irrelevant LDL"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

That Hokey Herbal Medicine


One of the best medicines from weed plants far outclasses anything manmade.

The Business with Type 2 Diabetes Saga

Do you trust a Pharmaceutical Company and the doctors who prescribe these drugs? 13,000 Lawsuits and banned by London's European Medicines Agency in Europe

USA keeps it on the shelves but Europe bans Avandia

Do you trust government researchers desperately groveling for conventional source funds? Real Canadian scientists ignore evidence?

Or do you trust the obscure research on non-patentable natural therapies, affordable to all, available to all that offer little financial incentive to drug corporations?Alpha Lipoic Acid proven helpful in Type 2 Diabetes

Excess sugar, environmental toxins in food such as alloxan, mercury, and cryptic arsenic, and lack of various elements such as magnesium, vitamin D, chromium, and zinc are all implicated by the accredited global science library.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Simvastatin Turns Off Phagocytosis of Bacteria Neutralized by Antibodies

The cells that gobble up bacteria that have been attacked with antibodies don't work so well after a nice good dose of LDL-lowering simvastatin.

Opposite effects of simvastatin on the bactericidal and inflammatory response of macrophages to opsonized S. aureus.

Collagen Tumor Capsules Break Open in Metastasis

There have been constant redefinitions of schirrhous response or the desmoplastic response in which the body encapsulates a tumor with collagen. Some would say that this was a negative prognostic, others that it was a good one. Certainly science has been confused as to the importance of "walling off" a tumor with collagen. It is not an imaginary computer graphics simulation, but a real phenomenon that is a biochemical reflex to turn an irritating mass into a benign one.

When metastasis occurs, these collagen capsules are broken open and the malignant cells spill outside, free to invade other tissues or the blood circulation. Clearly, the visual evidence suggests that the desmoplastic response is important to create a mechanical barrier, a wall, beyond which malignant tumor cells cannot pass. When these cells breach the wall, they have effectively begun to metastasize.

Tumor cell budding from focally disrupted tumor capsules: a common pathway for all breast cancer subtype derived invasion?