Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bill Frist is Pro-Swine Flu Vaccine, Bill Maher is Correct

There is no weird new virus, "Swine Flu." There IS ONLY FLU VIRUS. It is intrinsically no different than any other flu virus. How can a new vaccine do any different for any new flu when each flu at its core is the same. Nevermind synthetic molecules for flu which have extremely poor efficacy. Flu virus is HxNy, with nine variants of H (H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,H7,H8,H9) at least 3 variants of N (N1,N2,N3) and any number of permutations of these hemagluttinins and neuraminidases. There can also be SNP mutations in its code, but it is still a flu virus. Pathogenicity may differ strain to strain, but from my own memory, regular old flu is pretty damn bad, never mind a new flu. The worst flu virus can only be as pathogenic as flu can be. Given modern American hygiene, clean environments, sanitation, nutrition, and living standards, there can be no pandemic unless some evil group intentionally starts one.

When a dog catches a cold, you have a cold, and you catch your dog's cold, the cold virii may mix. Still, it is not then the "Dog Cold Virus." If the dog virus had some manmade cytotoxic genetic elements intentionally inserted into it, and then it got into the human epidemiology, I would be worried. But otherwise, it is still cold virus. The fear was sparked by the poultry farms in which animals were crammed together in close quarter in poor hygiene environments, which inevitably generate an exponential vector situation for an aerosol disease.

The innate immunological approach is proving to be a good one in many aspects and endeavors of human health.

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