Saturday, December 24, 2022

Ethics in Medicine

If our primary goal is to improve the human condition, then propagating suffering is the antithesis to it.  Any behavior that breeds more harm against the oath, "Thou shall do no harm," demonstrates an active flaunting of the ideals of medicine.  A self knighted "Health Foundation" must first actually refrain from harming hundreds of people before seeking out to deploy antique empires in far off places with a favorable international exchange rate where a peanut at home is a pound afar.

It is not a psychiatric playground to ruin yourself and everyone around you in a pyrrhic loss, not even a pyrrhic victory.  You leave that psychological baggage at the doorstep before you enter the hallowed halls of medicine.

It is not a place of judgement and social engineering.  This is not a wooden puppet theater.  This is why there are such explicit protections for belief, orientation, physical traits, gender, etc.  It applies to everyone, not just someone who thinks they are the prince or princess of the building.  I would privately joke about people carrying such fruity airs of faux royalty by prefacing their name with "King" _so and so__/  Even real royals, one who actually visited me from overseas, are not so self-absorbed.  Medicine is meant to heal ailments of the body and mind, not create more of them.

It is not a place to put your ego above the life and death reality of your words.  If you insist on erroneous ideas such as opposing the covid-19 vaccination campaign that has more or less restored normalcy to American life, what you do is indirectly mass murder people by encouraging vaccine denial, thereby allowing the covid-19 virus to be so much more severe and dangerous.  The vaccine turns a once deadly new plague into something like an old cold or flu.  Nobody is going to lug around the mountains of herbs and pints of oils with them all the time in case they catch covid-19.  It is simply more practical to upgrade everyone's immune system to be effective towards covid-19 all the time, without need for reactive herbal extracts which fresh supply you must have on standby at all times - great business model.  Moreover, those magic elixirs factually have not been tested in humans with covid-19 for effectiveness, patent or no patent.  The right to access over the counter herbs, vitamins, minerals, and natural supplements should exist and be maintained as a uniquely American right towards personal health, but these materials should not be construed as a cure without testing them as one first.  To suggest that a patent replaces a clinical trial fools nobody of importance or influence in legal medicine.

It is our place as scientists and those involved in the science to treat it with the utmost sense of responsibility it deserves.  Although the day to day should not be treated like a constant emergency, but with the appropriate amount of urgency or even calm, the fact is that we are dealing with the matters of life and death for some.  It is not a joke for people who have cancer, heart disease, brain ailments, or permanent infections.  It is not a joke for those who have been cosmetically disabled by a disease.  It is not a joke for those whose body is crumbling from underneath their mind long before natural old age.  It is not a game, and for those who abuse and have abused the channels of science as merely a game should read over this from the beginning to the end a few times.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Setting Matthias Rath's erroneous claim to Vitamin C Therapy for Atherosclerosis straight for the record for history beyond 2022

When Matthias Rath sued Linus Pauling for his alleged original discoveries in the 90's, The Court Law in the USA dictated that whoever was first to discover the application was the legally entitled bearer to patent protection.

At the time Matthias Rath sued Linus Pauling, the first to discover vitamin C as a way to prevent occlusive arterial diseases, atherosclerosis, so on an so forth was neither Linus Pauling or Matthias Rath, but Constance R Spittle.

The automatic legal machinery then, now, and today would negate and reverse all and every of Matthias Rath's purported legitimacy as holding this intellectual property.  How this ruling was made at all points to a complete ignorance in the history of this body of discovery by The Court, probably through sheer ignorance, as the "internet" and "cloud" were not availed to The Court until after these errors.  As of 2022, we can see that all and every of Matthias Rath's claims against Linus Pauling were and are invalid as by global law.

Vitamin C's three mechanisms in preventing human atherosclerosis (Constance R Spittle, June 13, 1974)





The Ultimate form of "Gaslighting" by Putin:

Attempting to override any sense of logic by means of hypnosis and trickery, Putin offers dozens of excuses of why he pre-emptively invaded Ukraine without any threat to Russia from Ukraine or NATO.

In fact, President Biden had willingly offered to support Nord Stream 2, which by default meant NATO protection of Moscow petroleum assets.

Through Putin's crazed, irrational actions, thoughts, and behaviors, this is no longer possible for Russia, and only Putin is to blame for this insanity.



1) Ukraine was never a member of NATO.

2) Had Ukraine joined NATO, there would still be zero threat to Putin, but actually, increased security of its oil assets (Nord Stream 2) enriching Moscow and feeding Europe.  NATO, unlike Putin, has zero land grab motivations in Ukraine or continental Russia.  Putin has lost his mind.

3) Putin invaded Ukraine.  NATO did not invade Ukraine or even wish to.  NATO never wishes to invade Russia or Ukraine.


What the world must realize is that there are suicidal groups who wish to goad on a WW3.  Neither Biden, NATO, Z, or anyone else in the governance of Europe, USA, Ukraine, and probably Moscow want a world ending WW3, and this is what it will be.  Even those innocent nations who are not involved will be poisoned beyond the ability to sustain anything but the most primitive radiation resistant life forms.  Even radiation resistant humans will perish forever.  No humans will survive WW3, and as history will see it, it will have been the most stupid, shameful failure, proving our delusion in the belief of ourselves as better than a monkey with a nuke in its hand false.

Obviously, the worst thing for global human health is WW3.  Nothing could come close to the decimation that will follow, even indirectly, by WW3.  The suffering will eclipse WW2 unimaginably.  As a global health aim, stopping WW3 is currently our first priority.